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历史事件系列 What was/is …?
历史事件系列 What was/is …?
历史事件系列 What was/is …?
历史事件系列 What was/is …?
历史事件系列 What was/is …?
历史事件系列 What was/is …?

历史事件系列 What was/is …?


这个系列是《纽约时报》畅销传记《who was》系列姐妹篇,少年儿童精选励志读物,企鹅出版集团旗下童书品牌Grosset&Dunlap 出品,美国各大书店强力推荐儿童读物畅销经典。

《What Was》系列是很好的一部历史人文题材作品,继《who was》之后的名社再出品,她是一部西方角度的世界史集合,美国史料占多,以【小题地点+事件】的形式加以阐述,你会看到女神像的作者目光炯炯,工人们围绕着巨大的雕塑的手。淘金拓荒者们的辛劳,1863年的手术器械,以及探险队员,那对未知的无畏与热情。这就是历史,既是未来,也是对族群进程之审视与预言。

《what was》系列,主说事件始末,每书有16页照片资料,让人看到细节,无论阿拉莫边城英烈,他们历史性的的亲笔信笺,还是 Dday 登陆时候,让盟军头疼的 MG42 机枪,无数点滴感受与亲历,铸合成真实的时间岁月。


  1. What Are the Summer Olympics
  2. What Are the Ten Commandments
  3. What Is Climate Change(有音频)
  4. What Is LEGO
  5. What Is NASA
  6. What Is Nintendo
  7. What Is Rock and Roll
  8. What Is the Constitution(有音频)
  9. What Is the Declaration of Independence(有音频)
  10. What Is the Panama Canal
  11. What Is the Stanley Cup
  12. What Is the Statue of Liberty(有音频)
  13. What Is the Super Bowl(有音频)
  14. What Is the Women’s Rights Movement
  15. What Is the World Cup
  16. What Is the World Series
  17. What Was D-Day
  18. What Was Ellis Island
  19. What Was Hurricane Katrina
  20. What Was Pearl Harbor
  21. What Was Pompeii
  22. What Was Stonewall
  23. What Was the Age of the Dinosaurs
  24. What Was the Alamo
  25. What Was the Battle of Gettysburg
  26. What Was the Berlin Wall
  27. What Was the Bombing of Hiroshima
  28. What Was the Boston Tea Party
  29. What Was the First Thanksgiving
  30. What Was the Gold Rush(有音频)
  31. What Was the Great Chicago Fire
  32. What Was the Great Depression
  33. What Was the Hindenburg
  34. What Was the Holocaust(有音频)
  35. What Was the Ice Age
  36. What Was the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  37. What Was the March on Washington
  38. What Was the Titanic
  39. What Was the Underground Railroad(有音频)
  40. What Was the Vietnam War
  41. What Was the Wild West
  42. What Was Woodstock
  43. What Were the Negro Leagues
  44. What Were the Roaring Twenties
  45. What Were the Salem Witch Trials
  46. What Were the Twin Towers


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